
Sam-Alojamientos Hostel in Zarate
Sam-Alojamientos Hostel in Zarate
Sam-Alojamientos Hostel in Zarate
Sam-Alojamientos Hostel in Zarate
Sam-Alojamientos Hostel in Zarate

Hostel in Zarate

Reasons to book

Includes essentialsKitchen or Kitchenette, Air conditioner, Internet / Wifi and more
Book with confidenceWe partner with the top travel sites so you know you're getting a great deal on the perfect rental

About this hostel

Located 40 km from Temaiken Park, Sam-Alojamientos provides rooms with air conditioning in Zárate. Among the facilities at this property are a shared kitchen and a shared lounge, along with free WiFi throughout the property.


Air conditioner
Kitchen or Kitchenette
Internet / Wifi

Map of Zarate

Available Rooms

1 Single

Sleeps 1
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Ratings and reviews

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There are no guest reviews yet. Don't let that stop you from booking, everyone deserves a first chance!


How much does this hostel cost compared to others in Zarate?

The average price for a rental in Zarate is £31 per night. This rental is £4 less expensive than the average.

Is parking included with this hostel?

Parking is not specified as an available amenity at Sam-Alojamientos. For more information, we encourage you to contact the property about where to park.

Is there a pool at this hostel?

We didn’t find pool listed as an amenity for this hostel. It may be worth double checking if a pool is important for your stay.

Is Sam-Alojamientos pet friendly?

Unfortunately, this hostel is not pet-friendly. Try searching again and filter for "Pets Allowed"

What amenities are available at Sam-Alojamientos?

We found 4 amenities for this rental. This includes air conditioner, kitchen or kitchenette, internet / wifi, and tv.

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