Choose from 2 vacation rentals located in Poundbury, England. Top filters in Poundbury include Internet / Wifi, TV, and Parking. Prices range from £73 to £87 per night. Our most popular vacation rental types near Poundbury are Hotel and RV.
Explore vacation rentals with the most popular amenities in Poundbury
Poundbury travel guide
Let us help you plan your perfect Poundbury vacation. Our travel guide highlights things to do, places to see, favorite vacation rental amenities in Poundbury, and more.
Frequently asked questions
What is the price range for rentals in Poundbury?
Vacation rentals in Poundbury have a price range between £73-£87. The average price for rentals in Poundbury is £101 per night.
What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in Poundbury?