Prime Times toujours disponible! Minutes Pour Pocono Raceway \/ Stations De Ski \/ Kalahari!

Maison à Lake Naomi, PA
10 voyageurs · 4 chambres · 2 baignoires
Raisons de réserver
Les clients adorent cet hébergementLes clients donnent une excellente note à cet établissement
Idéal pour les animaux de compagnieAmenez tous vos amis et votre famille, même les amis à poils
Valeur haut de gammeLe prix de cette propriété est supérieur à la moyenne de la région
A propos de ce maisonrental
Spring is Springing! Come hike, explore and see all that the Poconos offer!
On ne pouvait pas demander un meilleur emplacement! Tant de choses à faire dans la station et si cela ne suffit pas, vous pouvez augmenter vos offres (comme certains parcs d'État fabuleux) dans un court trajet de la communauté, si vous le souhaitez! Mais il n'y a aucune pression pour le faire, juste la disponibilité de nombreuses options si vous êtes si enclin! La détente semble être l'activité n ° 1 lors de votre visite!
De toutes les propriétés que nous possédons, celui-ci est le plus relaxant!
Et maintenant, avec nos dernières mises à jour, il est entre les mains de vainqueur incontesté bas! Nous aimons la cuisine, les comptoirs en granit, les appareils électroménagers en acier inoxydable, le parquet stratifié en bois dur (je pensais aussi que c’était le vrai McCoy au début), et les salles de bains sont accueillantes et d’atmosphère spa! Fraîchement peint, nouvelle moquette dans les chambres au premier étage, il a l'air et vit bien! Si nous avons besoin de bien dormir, c'est là que nous allons car c'est calme, privé et hors des sentiers battus.
Description générale
Cette belle maison contemporaine avec plafond cathédrale comprend 4 chambres à coucher, 2 salles de bain complètes, une cheminée à bois en pierre sur deux étages, mezzanine, garage, terrasses (avant et arrière), un porche, une table de baby-foot, des fléchettes et bien plus encore. Hiver, printemps, été ou à l'automne, vous trouverez ce havre comme aucun autre. Un endroit pour se détendre, l'intimité et la proximité des piscines, des sentiers pédestres, des loisirs, des pistes de ski, de la fine cuisine, de l'état de l'art Logan Steele Rec Centre - vous choisissez le rythme et à vos conditions. Nous avons créé la toile parfaite pour préparer des gaufres et des crêpes un dimanche matin, ou pour faire griller des guimauves et faire des s'mores sur un feu ouvert dans le dos après une journée à la plage, pour être pris au courant de votre été lire la liste, regarder la dernière version, se détendre, se détendre après une journée sur les pistes, célébrer une journée glorieuse avec un cocktail ou siroter votre cognac préféré devant un feu de cheminée - le choix est à vous.
Lac Naomi est comme aucun autre!
Notre maison est idéalement située à quelques pas du lac Naomi Clubhouse et la piscine. N'oubliez pas de visiter le centre communautaire Logan Steele qui a ouvert ses portes en mai 2007 avec une piscine intérieure chauffée, des installations d'entraînement ultramodernes, un hammam, un sauna, des bains à remous, une aire de jeux pour enfants, un tennis intérieur, une salle de sport et bien d'autres. plus! Il est sans fil avec un bon café!
Lac Naomi, une communauté du lac 277 acres a été désigné Club Platinum d'Amérique, un honneur prestigieux décerné à seulement 235 clubs de la 6000 qui applique. Il est également listé dans les 99 meilleurs Resort and Recreation Communautés, selon JB Wiley and Sons.
Les sentiers de randonnée sans fin, l'accès au lac et détente garantis viennent tous avec la maison sans frais supplémentaires! Moyennant un supplément, un membre temporaire du lac Naomi / Timber Trails Resort peut être organisé en vous donnant un accès illimité * à toutes les piscines (intérieure et sur), plate-forme de tennis, parc de chien, sauna, hammam, fitness, tennis, golf, restaurants de clubs, les clubs pour enfants, le nouveau centre de loisirs fabuleux et bien plus encore! Les tarifs varient en fonction de la période de l'année. Que vous souhaitiez golf, randonnée pédestre, voile, natation, ski ou tout simplement bercer le jour loin, il n'y a pas lieu dans les Poconos plus beau et relaxant. * Green fees et le temps du tribunal peuvent être complémentaires.
Les deux piscines sont ouvertes à partir week-end du Memorial Day et restent ouverts jusqu'à une semaine ou deux après le Labor Day, selon météo. La piscine est fermée pendant la semaine jusqu'à la mi-Juin et après le week-end la fête du Travail. La piscine intérieure ÉNORME est ouvert toute l'année. Nous sommes situés à moins de 7 minutes à pied des piscines fabuleux lac Naomi donnant sur le lac avec des vues qui sont tout simplement à couper le souffle! Vous ne pouvez pas battre notre emplacement si la piscine lac Naomi est une destination fréquente lors de vacances!
En hiver, cette maison est à quelques minutes des meilleures stations de ski dans les Poconos - Camelback, Jack Frost et Big Boulder. À ne pas négliger, est le Pocono Raceway voisin. Et le tout nouveau Super Duper Kalahari Indoor Waterpark, ouvert toute l'année avec le jour passe, manger et faire du shopping tous disponibles sur le site! Fine cuisine, Pocono 500, Pennsylvanie 500 courses de Coupe Sprint, théâtre, concerts, culture, vous l'appelez! Et si vos enfants ont besoin de bonbons pour les yeux et d'une activité qui ne manquera pas de les épuiser, assurez-vous de jeter un coup d'œil à la station balnéaire de Kalahari à quelques minutes de la maison. L'arcade, les magasins, le parc aquatique intérieur sont à l'échelle nationale parmi les meilleurs! Nous sommes très chanceux de les avoir si près de la maison!
Le nouveau magasin de détail NASCAR est one-of-a-kind avec toutes les dernières marchandises NASCAR. Lac Naomi est à seulement 14 miles de la Pennsylvania Turnpike. Il est très pratique pour le shopping local et les sorties qui sont moins d'un trajet en voiture de vingt minutes. Et ne pas oublier le jeu et les casinos qui ont récemment venus dans la région - si vous avez besoin d'un peu d'excitation, le risque et la récompense sont juste un court trajet en voiture de suite!
Bien que pendant les mois d'été, la communauté est très populaire, le ressort est un grand moment pour frapper les sentiers équitation. Sentir l'arôme des fleurs de montagne ... le kayak, la pêche, l'observation des oiseaux, le rafting, l'équitation, la chasse, paint ball ...... VOUS POUVEZ FAIRE TOUS ICI!
Et puis viendra l'automne? Une destination de prédilection pour les mirettes feuilles avec son abondance de couleurs et vous pouvez le faire une fois de plus! Donc nous rendre visite dans les Poconos, 2400 miles carrés de montagnes, lacs, rivières, cascades et forêts. La communauté dispose de 25.000 acres de terres forestières et de gibier environnante. Ne manquez pas Bushkill Falls (Niagara des Poconos), le Delaware Water Gap, l'Appalachian Trail, Lehigh Gorge, rafting et bien plus encore!
Poconos - le flux entre les deux montagnes!
De toutes les propriétés que nous possédons, celui-ci est le plus relaxant!
Et maintenant, avec nos dernières mises à jour, il est entre les mains de vainqueur incontesté bas! Nous aimons la cuisine, les comptoirs en granit, les appareils électroménagers en acier inoxydable, le parquet stratifié en bois dur (je pensais aussi que c’était le vrai McCoy au début), et les salles de bains sont accueillantes et d’atmosphère spa! Fraîchement peint, nouvelle moquette dans les chambres au premier étage, il a l'air et vit bien! Si nous avons besoin de bien dormir, c'est là que nous allons car c'est calme, privé et hors des sentiers battus.
Description générale
Cette belle maison contemporaine avec plafond cathédrale comprend 4 chambres à coucher, 2 salles de bain complètes, une cheminée à bois en pierre sur deux étages, mezzanine, garage, terrasses (avant et arrière), un porche, une table de baby-foot, des fléchettes et bien plus encore. Hiver, printemps, été ou à l'automne, vous trouverez ce havre comme aucun autre. Un endroit pour se détendre, l'intimité et la proximité des piscines, des sentiers pédestres, des loisirs, des pistes de ski, de la fine cuisine, de l'état de l'art Logan Steele Rec Centre - vous choisissez le rythme et à vos conditions. Nous avons créé la toile parfaite pour préparer des gaufres et des crêpes un dimanche matin, ou pour faire griller des guimauves et faire des s'mores sur un feu ouvert dans le dos après une journée à la plage, pour être pris au courant de votre été lire la liste, regarder la dernière version, se détendre, se détendre après une journée sur les pistes, célébrer une journée glorieuse avec un cocktail ou siroter votre cognac préféré devant un feu de cheminée - le choix est à vous.
Lac Naomi est comme aucun autre!
Notre maison est idéalement située à quelques pas du lac Naomi Clubhouse et la piscine. N'oubliez pas de visiter le centre communautaire Logan Steele qui a ouvert ses portes en mai 2007 avec une piscine intérieure chauffée, des installations d'entraînement ultramodernes, un hammam, un sauna, des bains à remous, une aire de jeux pour enfants, un tennis intérieur, une salle de sport et bien d'autres. plus! Il est sans fil avec un bon café!
Lac Naomi, une communauté du lac 277 acres a été désigné Club Platinum d'Amérique, un honneur prestigieux décerné à seulement 235 clubs de la 6000 qui applique. Il est également listé dans les 99 meilleurs Resort and Recreation Communautés, selon JB Wiley and Sons.
Les sentiers de randonnée sans fin, l'accès au lac et détente garantis viennent tous avec la maison sans frais supplémentaires! Moyennant un supplément, un membre temporaire du lac Naomi / Timber Trails Resort peut être organisé en vous donnant un accès illimité * à toutes les piscines (intérieure et sur), plate-forme de tennis, parc de chien, sauna, hammam, fitness, tennis, golf, restaurants de clubs, les clubs pour enfants, le nouveau centre de loisirs fabuleux et bien plus encore! Les tarifs varient en fonction de la période de l'année. Que vous souhaitiez golf, randonnée pédestre, voile, natation, ski ou tout simplement bercer le jour loin, il n'y a pas lieu dans les Poconos plus beau et relaxant. * Green fees et le temps du tribunal peuvent être complémentaires.
Les deux piscines sont ouvertes à partir week-end du Memorial Day et restent ouverts jusqu'à une semaine ou deux après le Labor Day, selon météo. La piscine est fermée pendant la semaine jusqu'à la mi-Juin et après le week-end la fête du Travail. La piscine intérieure ÉNORME est ouvert toute l'année. Nous sommes situés à moins de 7 minutes à pied des piscines fabuleux lac Naomi donnant sur le lac avec des vues qui sont tout simplement à couper le souffle! Vous ne pouvez pas battre notre emplacement si la piscine lac Naomi est une destination fréquente lors de vacances!
En hiver, cette maison est à quelques minutes des meilleures stations de ski dans les Poconos - Camelback, Jack Frost et Big Boulder. À ne pas négliger, est le Pocono Raceway voisin. Et le tout nouveau Super Duper Kalahari Indoor Waterpark, ouvert toute l'année avec le jour passe, manger et faire du shopping tous disponibles sur le site! Fine cuisine, Pocono 500, Pennsylvanie 500 courses de Coupe Sprint, théâtre, concerts, culture, vous l'appelez! Et si vos enfants ont besoin de bonbons pour les yeux et d'une activité qui ne manquera pas de les épuiser, assurez-vous de jeter un coup d'œil à la station balnéaire de Kalahari à quelques minutes de la maison. L'arcade, les magasins, le parc aquatique intérieur sont à l'échelle nationale parmi les meilleurs! Nous sommes très chanceux de les avoir si près de la maison!
Le nouveau magasin de détail NASCAR est one-of-a-kind avec toutes les dernières marchandises NASCAR. Lac Naomi est à seulement 14 miles de la Pennsylvania Turnpike. Il est très pratique pour le shopping local et les sorties qui sont moins d'un trajet en voiture de vingt minutes. Et ne pas oublier le jeu et les casinos qui ont récemment venus dans la région - si vous avez besoin d'un peu d'excitation, le risque et la récompense sont juste un court trajet en voiture de suite!
Bien que pendant les mois d'été, la communauté est très populaire, le ressort est un grand moment pour frapper les sentiers équitation. Sentir l'arôme des fleurs de montagne ... le kayak, la pêche, l'observation des oiseaux, le rafting, l'équitation, la chasse, paint ball ...... VOUS POUVEZ FAIRE TOUS ICI!
Et puis viendra l'automne? Une destination de prédilection pour les mirettes feuilles avec son abondance de couleurs et vous pouvez le faire une fois de plus! Donc nous rendre visite dans les Poconos, 2400 miles carrés de montagnes, lacs, rivières, cascades et forêts. La communauté dispose de 25.000 acres de terres forestières et de gibier environnante. Ne manquez pas Bushkill Falls (Niagara des Poconos), le Delaware Water Gap, l'Appalachian Trail, Lehigh Gorge, rafting et bien plus encore!
Poconos - le flux entre les deux montagnes!
Animaux de compagnie acceptés
Cuisine ou coin cuisine
Balcon ou terrasse
Bain à remous ou spa
Salle de sport ou centre de remise en forme
Adapté aux familles
Carte de Lake Naomi, PA
Avis et évaluations
8.0 / 10.0
House has age to it...
Wouldn't hurt for a spruce up with fresh paint and drywall repair.
Wendy was very, very accommodating.
10.0 / 10.0
Very nice house and a lovely mountain area. Great community. Close to all the winter activities the Poconos have to offer. And a very comfortable home! Wendy is awesome to deal with and very accommodating. Would love to stay again.
8.0 / 10.0
Lake Naomi, Pocono Pines Is Wonderful
My family and I needed a mid-May week at Lake Naomi with a LNC temporary pass to use the amenities. We especially needed the pass to enter the Community Center. Wendy kindly offered that with her listing (as a separate charge from LNC) along with allowing us to bring our little dog. The visit was great and we really enjoyed ourselves. The most important highlights for us staying at the house included the nice table in the screened porch and the fire pit. Wendy found she could offer us an early check-in and a late check-out for our week. We've never have had that before and it was a gracious, thoughtful gesture. On the downside, I have to agree with other reviewers that the mattresses need upgrading. Because of our family situation, the oldest people in the family ended up attempting to sleep in the twin beds that were topped with three squeaky mattresses. It was difficult to enter and exit the beds and sleeping was very uncomfortable. The only other negative we discovered is that the house is close enough to Route 940 that you can hear some road noise when you are outside or in the screen porch. Luckily that wasn't too bad and the neighborhood, itself, was very quiet, allowing for pleasant walks down to the lake.
10.0 / 10.0
Nice stay for skiing
Everything as expected
10.0 / 10.0
Long Weekend for a Bday Getaway
I rented this property for my husband's birthday weekend, to get away and celebrate with close friends and family. We had a great stay. The house was perfect for our group. The owner was very kind, organized, and provided us with great information about the area and how best to utilize their home. I would definitely recommend!
8.0 / 10.0
Owner was was nice...the mattresses though.....
The owner was excellent with her communication and information that was provided. The property was very nice and well maintained. The only minus was the mattresses were extremely uncomfortable and made it difficult to get a good night's rest. And, we do not typically 'complain' about such things. The mattresses just need to be updated. All else good!
10.0 / 10.0
Family Getaway!
The Property was perfect for our family getaway!
The house was the perfect layout with 2 bedrooms upstairs and 2 downstairs. The Kitchen had lots of cooking supplies which was perfect for our family as we ate all of our meals at the house.
The heat in the house did seem to not be able to keep up with the cold temperatures and the house would get quite cold at times. We tried to keep a fire going which seemed to help and make the house cozy.
We would recommend the property to other families looking for the perfect home to vacation in!
10.0 / 10.0
The house was very warm and cozy. Every bedroom had plenty of pillows and extra blankets and the kitchen was well stocked with dishes, cookware and utensils for every need.
10.0 / 10.0
A good getaway
Overall we liked our time and the property is very centrally located. the house is pretty big and accommodating for a large group. the host was very responsive which was also appreciated
10.0 / 10.0
Great Place in the Poconos
We had a great stay, house was exactly what we wanted. Wendy was very easy to work with. The kitchen was loaded with cooking supplies. The back deck and Firepit got a lot of use. We loved the location, which was convenient to everything we wanted to see. We will definitely revisit.
Thnk, Mark
8.0 / 10.0
Very nice stay
Communication with owner was great. She responded to any questions immediately. Also, lots of information was included with our check-in information for things to do.
Bedrooms were a nice size but main living area was a little smaller than I expected from the pictures on the VRBO site. Guessing they used a wide-angle lens so it appears larger.
We enjoyed the screened in porch very much because it allowed us to sit outside without the bother of bugs.
Lots of wet leaves on the front steps and porch area. Would have been nice if this was part of the “cleaners” process each week so we didn’t have to worry about slipping on them while loading and unloading our cars and going in and out of house. This wasn’t a big deal, though, just mentioning in case it can be rectified in the future.
Our family really had a relaxing weekend and enjoyed our stay at Lake Naomi.
10.0 / 10.0
comfortable and quiet
What a lovely week we had. Favorite elements of the house were the screened in porch (ideal for jigsaw puzzling and coffee!!), the proximity to LNCH, the upstairs loft/living room (perfect spot for the sudden onset nap or the less social members who want time alone). What you can not see from the photos of the property are that the bedrooms are set off a bit from the living areas so they are both quiet and private. This is exactly what we needed for a Summer vacation week away.
10.0 / 10.0
Clean, comfortable mountain getaway - recommend!
Wendy was an excellent communicator throughout the entire process and was able to accommodate an early check to minimize disruptions to our daughter's nap time. House was clean, well stocked with supplies, and provided more than enough space for the 5 of us staying. Would recommend bringing own linens to save on the fee. Screened in porch provided several bug free mealtimes and both the front and backyard were sufficient for the dogs. The upstairs knook provided an excellent space for card games. The only downside of this location was the inability to use local lake facilities because of COVID measures in place preventing temporary membership for stays less than a week. We were fair warned about this several times so we had alternative plans, but it was a little bit of a shame being so close, but not being able to use the lake access, beaches, or amenities. Overall though this is exactly as described and I would recommend this property!
8.0 / 10.0
Clean, comfortable house with lots of privacy!
I stayed here for a weekend with my dog and 4 of my nieces (ranging from 10yrs to 15yrs old). The house was clean, cozy and comfortable! Our favorite spot was the screened-in porch. We had breakfast out there, played games, listened to music etc all without worrying about the bugs getting in our way. My nieces also thoroughly enjoyed the foosball table throughout the weekend. The property is surrounded by shrubbery/trees which offered a nice private space. There are fans stored in each of the bedroom closets, which I personally appreciated as I always sleep with a fan on at home and often forget to bring my travel fan (the noise helps me sleep better!). We ate some delicious food at Jubilee (2 minutes from the house), got ice cream at The Junction (about 5min from the house) and went for a nice, peaceful walk through the community. It's definitely a nice community with friendly neighbors (if you happen to see any during a walk)! My only cons would be charging extra for sheets, having to make our own beds upon arrival and having to buy all our own supplies (toilet paper, paper towels, trashbags etc). They provide just enough to start off with. These things are clearly communicated and noted prior to booking, I just feel for the price these things should be included in the cost and beds should be made. All in all, we had a great stay and made the most out of our short time there!
10.0 / 10.0
Daughters birthday weekend
Stayed out in the Poconos with the extended family for the weekend, house was very clean, cozy and comfortable, entire family absolutely loved it and we had an awesome time! Beautiful area, easy to get to, property owner very accommodating and easy to speak with which made for a stress free and very memorable Birthday weekend for the Family.
10.0 / 10.0
Birthday getaway
Place was perfect for my family of 8 adults and 2 kids. Great location to camelback and the crossings. Wendy was so very detailed and responded immediately with answers to questions. Would recommend if you want a cozy rustic weekend
10.0 / 10.0
Great Home and Stay!
We had a great stay at the house - it was clean and cozy, and had everything we needed. Wendy was a great host, who was very responsive and provided very detailed directions on how to check in/out. Would definitely stay again!
10.0 / 10.0
Perfect Christmas getaway!
This house was exactly what we were looking for to spend Christmas in. Cozy and comfortable. The owner was extremely friendly and very helpful. We will be back!
10.0 / 10.0
Long weekend COVID getaway
We decided after selling our house to get a cabin for a few days before heading across country. What a lovely stay!! Very comfortable, had everything one may want, kids well entertained with foosball and games. The only thing I would suggest is eventually investing in new mattress upstairs. Great stay and highly recommend!!!
10.0 / 10.0
Weekend in the Poconos
From many houses that we checked thru this app, We are glad that we choose this house for our post wedding celebration with just our closest friends. Wendy is so nice, understanding and accommodating. The house is so nice, clean, big as it was shows in the pictures. All the stuffs we need especially in the kitchen are complete. It made our stay easy! We feel comfortable in the house like it was our own. We will surely come back again in the future. Thank you so much! ❤️
10.0 / 10.0
Quick get away
We stayed here for a little get away from Philly with two other couples. The place was super clean and comfortable. Good sized kitchen for cooking and a nice breakfast bar for hanging at. Outdoor area was perfect for our dog and also to hang at the new fire pit. Wendy was super responsive and very thorough. The place is well maintained. Nice neighborhood with good privacy as well! Easy drive to hiking and other activities. The only thing I would mention is the glass coffee table. If you have any little ones I would def be careful!
8.0 / 10.0
Lovely house in Lake Naomi, Pocono Pines PA
My family and I stayed at this property for 30 days in October 2020 during the COVID pandemic. Wendy the owner is fantastic - personable and accommodating. I highly recommend that the owner buy new mattresses for every bed. The property is dated but comfortable. If you're a minimalist, this is not the place for you. Nearly every square inch is filled with the owner's things, from dozens of sets of kitchen dishes to drawers and cabinets crammed with CD's and magazines. The internet was quirky and the cell reception poor. House is on a lovely block and close to everything in Lake Naomi. The fall leaves were gorgeous. We had many nights with a fire roaring in the fireplace. Great layout for families. The upper balcony area is huge, a favorite spot for reading and playing with the 9-month old. Lake Naomi is a spectacular destination.
10.0 / 10.0
Weekend in the Poconos
We live in Ohio, and our son and his family live in Philadelphia. This was a great home for us to get together and spend time together. The house was as described in the listing and in the photographs. It was very clean and spacious. The weather was warm enough that we were able to use the grill and eat on the screened-in porch.
The area is beautiful. The leaves were beginning to change color, and there are many state parks and preserves within a short drive to enjoy hiking and the scenery.
10.0 / 10.0
Wendy was so easy to communicate with! We loved the property. Just enough privacy but not too far away from the highway!
10.0 / 10.0
Just what we needed!
Myself and eight of my girlfriends just returned home from an amazing Girls Weekend at this home. The location was just what we were looking for to enjoy a relaxing, fun weekend. There was ample parking for our three vehicles. Check-in service was amazing. The pictures do the home no justice. Such a beautiful home and plenty of space for the nine of us. We had beautiful fall weather that was perfect for sitting out on the screened in patio in our cozy sweaters and socks. The only con was that we expected there to be hot tub at the home since it was listed in the description. There wasn't one.
Wendy, I can't thank you enough for being an amazing host. From the minute I booked the home until after check-out this morning, you have been nothing but accommodating and courteous. I highly recommend booking this home for relaxing family time or just to kick back with your girlfriends for good times and much laughter.
10.0 / 10.0
Great stay!
Great experience for our group trip!
10.0 / 10.0
Great property, even better property manager
Beautiful location, beautiful kitchen, lots of space. Owner/property manager was a dream, so great to deal with and very helpful
10.0 / 10.0
Family getaway
The whole process was smooth. No trouble getting there or anything. Close to major activities. Family had a great time. Only thing I didn’t agree with since me or my family is not distructive was how Vrbo ropes you into purchasing an insurance policy for the rental. It’s either that or a 5000 deposit. Kind of crazy. With that aside the owner answered all questions quickly and was very accommodating. Thank you Wendy.
10.0 / 10.0
Great Weekend
First of all the owners were great, Wendy kept in touch with all the info I needed and answered any questions I had. Very easy to unlock the door, sometimes the pin numbers give you trouble, house was very clean and more than enough of room for us. We were 5 adult men looking for a relaxing weekend and watch some football. The bedrooms were comfortable, bathrooms were clean, kitchen had enough of counter space since we did alot of cooking. We didn't venture out at all but did go to the Dollar General which had mostly everything you needed. Overall I would definitely stay here again, we are going to try and make this an annual trip so you might see us again next year.
8.0 / 10.0
Fun time over the winter holiday
We stayed here with four adults and five kids for a long weekend in the winter. The house was perfect for our vacation. The weather was not great for skiing so we did tubing, swam at the the community recreational center, and the movies. We mainly ate out but the kitchen was well-equipped to prepare a meal if we had chosen to do so. We did not spend much time outside but that also looked like it would be fun during the warmer season. Wendy was very easy to work with and responsive to our questions. I would recommend this property.
10.0 / 10.0
Property review
Great cozy home.
10.0 / 10.0
Great House
Wendy was really easy to deal with and very accommodating. The house was clean and had everything we needed. Would definitely rent from Wendy again.
10.0 / 10.0
Weekend in the woods
This home is even more beautiful in person. Loved the location and the privacy of the lot this home sits on. Short walk to pool. Screened in porch an amazing place to eat or enjoy your morning coffee. This home is well equipped for cooking in and the rooms are spacious and airy.
Wendy is an amazing host and is as close as a phone call or text. Hope to return next year 😍👍👏
8.0 / 10.0
Lovely vacation home
The place was spacious and beautiful. Wendy communicated quickly and kindly and was accommodating to the change in guests. We especially liked sitting around the fire pit and playing foosball. Unfortunately, we had to cut our vacation three days short and would have loved staying longer (did not ask for compensation). Having said that, there were two issues.
When booking the vacation, it does not mention
on the site that you need to bring your own linen, towels, toilet paper, garbage bags and detergent. I do understand the reasons for that (people stole, competitive price), but would have liked to know in advance because it kind of takes away from the feeling of 'vacation' when you have to worry about making your own beds (we're a big family). The second issue was that there was garbage in the driveway when we arrived in Saturday (bear's doing) and it was not cleaned up by the time we left three days later. Moreover, the latch on the garage crate didn't work well and when we put our garbage away, the bear got to it too... seems like the bear knows this is a good place to find some food (we also saw it).
In sum, nice vacation place that we do recommend, just take into account bringing a lot of things from home.
10.0 / 10.0
Wonderful home for a family reunion
What a nice home for a family vacation! We had 5 adults and 2 children and were all very comfortable. Everything was as advertised in the pictures. The owner Wendy is excellent in communicating clearly and in a timely manner.
10.0 / 10.0
Good experience
Ventured into the area for a little group reunion weekend and for the Run for the Red Poconos Marathon events. Pretty home, prompt responses from owner, affordable. We especially enjoyed the deck and the fire pit!
10.0 / 10.0
Great house and an even better host. Very responsive and accommodating. We will be back.
10.0 / 10.0
We had a blast.
First things first Wendy is amazing to work with. She was always avaliable to answer my questions. The house is beautiful and cozy. My family really enjoyed it . We went for New Years 2019 and it was a blast.
Thank you Wendy! Definitely coming back again. :)
8.0 / 10.0
Nice house. Friendly owner. Will go again.
First, Wendy, the owner was very nice and helpful. She responded quickly to any question.
The house was very nice. Very clean. House was a great size for many and rooms were spacious. The extra loft space upstairs was a great bonus. Kids loved the game table. Kitchen was great and bathrooms were updated. We loved the fireplace. I would recommend the house and hope to go again.
8.0 / 10.0
The house was very cozy. It could use a refresh.
The house was cozy. The furnishings could use an update. First impression was of the rotting siding was not good. Layout was nice. Not accustomed to paying extra for sheets and towels.
Combien coûte ce maison par rapport aux autres à Lake Naomi ?
Le prix moyen d’une location à Lake Naomi est de 309 € par nuit. Cette location est 12 € moins chère que la moyenne.
Le stationnement est-il inclus dans ce maison ?
Oui, le parking est répertorié comme un équipement pour Prime Times toujours disponible! Minutes Pour Pocono Raceway \/ Stations De Ski \/ Kalahari!. Pour plus d’informations, nous vous recommandons de contacter l’établissement pour savoir où vous garer.
Y a-t-il une piscine dans ce maison ?
Oui, Prime Times toujours disponible! Minutes Pour Pocono Raceway \/ Stations De Ski \/ Kalahari! comporte une piscine. Bonne baignade !
La location Prime Times toujours disponible! Minutes Pour Pocono Raceway \/ Stations De Ski \/ Kalahari! accepte-t-elle les animaux ?
Oui! Ce maison accepte les animaux domestiques. Pour plus d'informations, nous vous recommandons de contacter le fournisseur de réservation au sujet des politiques relatives aux animaux.
Quels équipements offre Prime Times toujours disponible! Minutes Pour Pocono Raceway \/ Stations De Ski \/ Kalahari!?
Nous avons trouvé 15 équipements pour cette location. Cela inclut piscine, climatisation, animaux de compagnie acceptés, cuisine ou coin cuisine et internet/wi-fi.