Choose from 2 vacation rentals located in El Prado, New Mexico. Top filters in El Prado include Parking, Laundry, and TV. Prices range from $93 to $153 per night. Our most popular vacation rental types near El Prado are Condo and Hotel.

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El Prado

El Prado travel guide

Let us help you plan your perfect El Prado vacation. Our travel guide highlights things to do, places to see, favorite vacation rental amenities in El Prado, and more.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in El Prado?

  • Parking
  • Laundry
  • TV

What are the must-visit tourist attractions in El Prado, NM?

El Prado, NM is a great destination for tourists with plenty of attractions to explore. Here are some of the must-visit attractions in El Prado, NM:

  • El Prado Lake
  • El Prado Plaza
  • El Prado Museum of Art
  • El Prado Wildlife Refuge

El Prado Lake is a great spot for fishing, swimming, and kayaking. El Prado Plaza is a great place to explore the local shops and restaurants. The El Prado Museum of Art is a great place to appreciate the local art and culture. Finally, the El Prado Wildlife Refuge is a great place to observe the local wildlife and take in the stunning views.

How can I get around in El Prado, NM?

You can get around El Prado, NM in a variety of ways:

  • By car
  • By bike
  • On foot

Public transportation is also available, with options such as the Taos Regional Transit and the Taos Express.

Where can I find affordable accommodation in El Prado, NM?

El Prado, NM is home to many affordable accommodation options. Here are a few of the best:

  • El Prado Motel: Located just off the main highway, this motel offers clean and comfortable rooms at a great price.
  • The Prado Inn: This inn offers a variety of rooms and suites, all equipped with modern amenities.
  • Rancho La Quinta: This family-run ranch offers rustic cabins with spectacular views of the surrounding landscape.
  • The Prado Hotel: This hotel offers a variety of rooms, from standard to luxury suites, all at a great price.

What is the culture like in El Prado, NM?

El Prado, NM is a small, rural town located in Taos County, New Mexico. It is a close-knit community with a unique culture that has been shaped by the area's deep Native American and Spanish colonial roots. Here are five key elements of the culture in El Prado:

  • The celebration of traditional Native American and Hispanic holidays, such as Fiesta de San Lorenzo and the annual Taos Pueblo Pow Wow.
  • The appreciation of the area's unique culinary offerings, which include blue corn tortillas, chiles, and other southwestern dishes.
  • The honoring of the area's rich history, including the visits of famous explorers such as Kit Carson and the Santa Fe Trail.
  • The appreciation of the area's natural beauty, including the nearby Rio Grande Gorge and other outdoor attractions.
  • The celebration of the area's cultural diversity, which includes Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo-American influences.

Is El Prado, NM safe to travel to?

El Prado, NM is an overall safe place to travel to. Here are some things to keep in mind when traveling here:
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Always lock your car when leaving it unattended.
  • Avoid walking alone at night.

What are the popular shopping destinations in El Prado, NM?

The popular shopping destinations in El Prado, NM are:

  • El Prado Trading Post & Gallery
  • High Desert Market
  • The Taos Cow Ice Cream & Cheese Factory

What are the best neighborhoods to visit in El Prado, NM?

The best neighborhoods to visit in El Prado, NM are:

  • Taos Valley
  • Taos Ski Valley
  • Taos Pueblo

Taos Valley is a great place to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, from skiing to hiking to fishing. Taos Ski Valley is a great place to enjoy the slopes, with a variety of ski resorts and trails. Finally, Taos Pueblo is a great place to learn about the culture and history of the area, with a variety of museums and historical sites.

Where is El Prado, NM?

El Prado, NM is a small town located in Taos County, New Mexico. It is situated in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains about 10 miles northeast of Taos. The town is known for its art galleries, shops, restaurants, and historical sites, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

What are the most popular vacation rental amenities in El Prado, NM?

The most popular vacation rental amenities in El Prado, NM include:

  • Free WiFi
  • Air Conditioning
  • Kitchen
  • Washer/Dryer
  • Outdoor Grilling Area

These amenities make it easier for visitors to relax and enjoy the area's natural beauty. Free WiFi and air conditioning make it easy to stay connected and comfortable in any season. The kitchen and washer/dryer make it easy to prepare meals and keep clothes clean. The outdoor grilling area is perfect for barbecues and outdoor gatherings.

What are the top things to do in El Prado, NM?

El Prado, NM is a great destination for outdoor recreation and more. Here are some of the top activities to enjoy:

  • Explore the Taos Pueblo and its ancient dwellings.
  • Hike through the Rio Grande Gorge.
  • Visit the Taos Plaza and browse its unique shops.
  • Take a drive along the High Road to Taos Scenic Byway.
El Prado, NM is a great destination for outdoor recreation and more. Here are some of the top activities to enjoy:
  • Explore the Taos Pueblo and its ancient dwellings.
  • Hike through the Rio Grande Gorge.
  • Visit the Taos Plaza and browse its unique shops.
  • Take a drive along the High Road to Taos Scenic Byway.

What do I need to know before visiting El Prado, NM?

Before visiting El Prado, NM, it is important to know that it is a small village located in Taos County. The area is known for its outdoor activities, such as skiing, hiking, and fishing. Additionally, visitors should be aware of the following:

  • The nearest airport is in Santa Fe, which is about an hour away.
  • The village is home to several restaurants, galleries, and shops.
  • The village is located in a high-altitude desert, so visitors should be prepared for extreme temperatures.

What is the price range for rentals in El Prado?

Vacation rentals in El Prado have a price range between $93-$153. The average price for rentals in El Prado is $123 per night.

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